Collection: Toadfish

Explosive population growth and coastal sprawl have put incredible strain on fragile saltwater ecosystems with water quality as the prevailing issue. Water quality is the number one reason for fish mortality and declining populations across hundreds of marine species.  With so much at stake, we wanted to do something to give back. We wanted to look back on our lives and know that we left these environments that we love in a better place than when we first discovered them. So, we founded a company that devotes its success to improving water quality by rebuilding oyster beds. By repeating and expanding this process through our Put ‘Em Back movement, we are working towards healthier coastlines nationwide.

To achieve our mission, Toadfish has pledged to rebuild new oyster reefs with every product we sell and has created a line of unique, eco-conscious products that complement the lifestyle we love. Growing up on the water has given us the insight to develop innovative products that enrich the coastal experience with an approach to design that demonstrates our passion for simplicity, utility, and functionality. To date we have built oyster reefs in 8 coastal states and replanted over 280,000sqft.

It is our hope that as you are peeling your next pound of shrimp, shucking a dozen oysters, or when you are out on water – that you will stop for a minute and commit yourself to joining our movement to protect coastal waterways. Let’s work together to Put ‘Em Back™ and have a blast while doing it.